
Here are some plants we bought

9:45 AM

 Last last weekend, not Easter weekend, Matt and I went to buy some plants for our backyard.  We don't really know a lot about what to plant when, or even what zone we are in.  I literally haven't even looked it up online yet.  We decided to go plant shopping and hope for the best.  While at Tagawa's we saw a lot of beautiful things, like these purpley blue roses, they are called Blue Girl.

There was also a beautiful fairy garden.  I have seen these before but never as extravagant as the one there.

I even found the Grey Kitty Gnome!  See, Tagawa Gardens has a mascot, and even though I have never seen the real cat before I was a little excited.  The Gnome has a drawing for a gift card along with it so of course I entered.

So after wandering around for about a half hour with our accomplishing anything we flagged down some help. One of the gardeners gave us this awesome sheet that says when to plant things indoors and outdoors for every month.  So following the advice on the cheat sheet we bought strawberries, purple sage, and some sugar snap peas.  We got a few seed packets too, moon flowers, cat nip, and anaheim peppers.  She also informed us that we would need to harden off our plants before planting them outside.  This means to take them outside during the day and bring them inside at night.  So with these plants in hand we grabbed a few bags of compost and made our way to the check out line and guess who was there?  Miss Kitty! She was very sweet and it seems she approves of our plant selection.

In related but oh so boring news, we've been hard at work clearing out the mulch and rocks and have really made some progress!  We just have that rectangle in the middle to finish up.  Hopefully, by next week we'll be finished and can move on to the planting!!!!

Well, cross your fingers for us that we can make the final push to clear out the last section this week and not kill ourselves in the process!

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