
Evening Gardening

11:27 AM

I haven't really been up to too much lately. It's been so hot here in Denver this last week, many days in the 100's. Which is a little out of the ordinary. That's not to say it doesn't get hot, but cracking 100 is something different all together. However we did get a really nice and cool evening last week, so I decided some evening gardening was in order. Maybe you remember my adorable flower pots that Matt put together at the start of summer.

Well they were adorable, until about a month or so ago when a hail storm came through and demolished them.

After waiting for what felt like forever to see if they would come back, I grew impatient and decided to start fresh. I picked up some flowers from Home Depot called Portulaca. They are a little bit succulent-y with bright flowers that open up in the morning. The info says they do great in full sun and don't need a ton of water, which is perfect for our yard.

I pulled out the old flowers, which was a task all on its own, these ikea pots are smaller at the opening. Oh, and just so I didn't feel bad about undoing all of Matt's handy work, I was able to save these little pink flowers.

See? They should be happy now that they can all live together in this strawberry pot.

Once the pots were empty I put my new flowers in and admired my own handy work. Oh, and rinsed all that potting soil off the patio too.

Now for some day time shots!

The flowers are so cute and cheery! I really love their ruffled edges. Too bad they only last one day.

Oh, and did you notice our grass a couple of pictures back? Believe it or not it was just seeded this summer!

It's even long enough to French braid, you know for when we have company....

Are you in the middle of a heat wave? What have you been doing to keep cool? Do you French braid your grass when it gets long?

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  1. Stopping by from Tatertots and Jello. My grandma loves moss roses. :)

    1. That sounds a lot easier to pronounce that portulaca! Thanks for visiting!

  2. Nice idea, I like the new flowers, great job.

  3. Yay! I am your 100th GFC! Newest follower from DIY parade. Love for you to stop by and return the follow. I am hosting Mom's Monday MIngle now. Love for you to join.

    Love to have you!!!

  4. Love the French braided grass! (Everything else is wonderful, too!)


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