Studio Sweat - A Work Space

2:15 PM

Have you heard about Roomspiration party? I first heard about it from this post over on the DIY Show Off. It sounds like so much fun that I wanted to put together a post about my studio/sweat shop. It's a room that I've never mentioned before, but if you look closely at a few posts, you might recognize the room.

So without further adieu welcome to my studio!

Upon entering the space you are welcomed with a lovely collection of eclectic frames. I picked these up during my travels to the lesser known Goodwill. I even took a little inspiration from Michelle of Dream Home DIY and put one of the frames around the thermostat for the base board heater.

Turning to your right you will see where all the magic happens! I have a lovely work table that may or may not have once been our dining table. It's another rare gem that I picked up at a local World Market. I think I might like to paint it a nice crisp white someday.

This lovely cabinet is a craigslist find from the spring. I was quite certain that I might get murdered or kidnapped whilst picking it up, so in the event of tragedy I left the address and phone number with a friend to pass on to authorities. Lucky for me, such was not the case. I picked it up from a nice woman while her daughter was playing in the yard, and she was $10 richer for it. I would love to sand it down and re-paint it some bright color. Maybe an ombre paint job on the front would look nice too. The cork board sitting on top is also due for a makeover, but I haven't seen anything that inspires me quite yet. The one thing it has going for it is that it's the exact same width as the cabinet. It's like they were made for each other.

Now, let your eyes gaze towards the entrance and you'll be transfixed by a blank wall. Only then to be awe struck by my disassembled antique sewing machine cabinet that I started working on, oh, about 5 months ago. I tell you, it's amazing how quickly I get things done around here!

Sometimes while I'm sewing I like to take in some quality entertainment. I catch up on my stories thanks to my new iPad. It just as good as a little tv! So far I have these apps to watch stuff with: ABC Go, HBO Go, Netflix, and HGTV.

Behind my work table is where I store all of my tools and supplies. This wine rack thing has lots of space beneath to keep fabric neat and organized. In the shallow drawer I keep flatter tools like my mat cutter and paper trimmer. It also provides some nice counter space to work on.

On the upper shelf, I keep smaller items grouped together in glass vases so that they're easy to find. Knitting needles and crochet hooks, thread, and misc. tools that might get lost in bigger containers.

Next to the wine rack I have a great Eco friendly, and sustainable soft wood shelving unit. I try to group like things together; books, paints and adhesives, yarn, sewing patterns, etc. Best of all, the unit was very affordable. Someday I would like to swap out the whole back wall with something a little bigger. Maybe some wall mounted kitchen cabinets topped off with a nice counter top. sigh....

Last but not least I wanted to point out the spectacular lighting situation I have going on. Who wouldn't be jealous of this lovely track lighting system? I think it's an antique from way back in the 1980's so I'm sure it's worth a pretty penny.

And not to be out done by artificial light, the window provides the most lovely natural lighting! Thanks to the baby bunnies that we have to rescue through out the summer, it's like the bottom 4 inches have been frosted! I like to think they wanted to preserve the view for me. How thoughtful!

Well, I hope you have gathered some inspiration from my little studio. I really feel like it reflects me for who I am!

Ummm, just kidding! At least I hope you could tell that this post was brought to you by Sarcasm, inc. I would love to have the time and money to devote to making this space beautiful, but with a house full of projects waiting to be tended to its not gonna happen. At least for now my Pinterest board will have to do.  sigh...

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