Spooky Ghosts and Halloween Costumes

9:10 PM

I was pretty excited about making Matt's and my costumes this year.  I was going as Doonise from a SNL skit, and Matt was going as The Coon.

Here we are!  Anyway, they turned out pretty good if I'm going to brag about it.  

In other Halloween news, we had our first Trick or Treaters in 3 years this year.  I think it's because of these spooky ghosts that I whipped up for free!

Best of all I will tell you how to make them!  All you need is an old sheet, grocery bag, stuffing (or just more grocery bags) and some string.

Take an old sheet and cut it into 4 squarish pieces. With the smaller pieces fold them twice so that it would be divided into fourths and snip the corner where the folds meet to make a small hole.

Now cut little slits around the perimeter of the fabric and tear a little ways up, put the stuffing in the grocery bag and tie it closed, and then tie the string to the knot in the grocery bag.

Now just pull the string through the tiny hole in the middle of the fabric and you  have a spooky (free) ghost.  I also hung some glow sticks from them for a spooky glow but they are not necessary.  


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