
Stair Update: Tread Tool

12:36 PM

I'm finally starting to see the finish line in the hardwood stairs 5k fun run for the cure! I'm so excited with how this is coming together, let's just skip to this weeks last picture.



Ahh! I'm loving these steps sooo much, and they're not even stained yet! But back to how I got from freshly ordered treads to fitting them into place. I added two new tools to my home improver arsenal. First, a sliding compound miter saw. We went with this Ryobi one because it had a lot of function for the price, and it will be useful for about a million things in the future. The second tool I picked up to make this tread installation easier was the Tread Tool.



The tread tool is basically those two gray plastic pieces, it's up to you to provide the piece of wood to attach them to. I just used a scrap strip of plywood that I cut off of the stair skirts a while back. Once you have it put together, just slide the plastic pieces so they're flush with the skirt (or walls if you didn't install a skirt) and tighten the black wing nuts. Easy peasy. Oh, and those gaps toward the front are just where the skirt doesn't meet up with the old treads exactly. They will be covered up by the treads so nothing to worry about there.



Once the template is secure you need to transfer your lines to your tread. I measured an equal distance from the back of the treads on both sides so I could line up the template evenly. I think I may have just made more work for myself, you could just line up the back of the template with the back of the tread, but what's done is done!




After I had my lines marked I took my tread outside to cut with my new saw! It's so exciting, it's even got a lazer! After about a minute of making sure my cut would be exactly the right angle (because of course nothing is ever square) I cut the ends off and took them inside to make sure they fit.



Since I only ordered the lower six treads, I'll have to repeat this all over again (just like everything else). But for now they are looking beautiful! I'm also waiting on Sherwin Williams to custom match my stain so it matches the floors, but because I ordered it within the dates of the Labor Day sale, they said they would honor the discount when I pick them up. Yay for conveniently timed sales!



Oh, and I need to trim some of the depth off the back of the treads. I would really love to get these permanently installed next weekend, but we are celebrating an early Thanksgiving on Saturday and I don't know if I'll have enough time. Wish me luck!


Nikki Kelly


Oh, and a quick ACL update: Matt is doing great! He has been really great about following his doctors advice and is already walking around the house without his crutches or brace a little. Thanks for the well wishes!


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