
Stair Update: Risers Cut and Treads Ordered

5:49 PM

Happ Friday friends! I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween. If you remember, last time I left off the stairs were looking like this, which is slightly less ugly that they were before that.



I even mentioned that I had picked up my riser material and started priming! Since we are installing the new stairs and risers over the exsisting ones the risers don't need to be supporting anything. So I decided to use a sheet of 1/4 inch sanded plywood. It's fairly cheap and smooth. Just what I was looking for!



Once I was done priming them I needed to cut them down to fit. First I measured and cut the risers to fit the width of each step, and then marked the height on the back with a pencil before ripping them on my table saw.



They're not a perfect fit, but once I caulk and paint, you'll never know. Oh, and don't you think this looks so much better than the first picture? I left them sitting like this for about a week just because it improved the view from the couch so much, but they kept falling over. I was thinking of painting and installing them, but decided against it until we have the treads to put over them. I don't want to ruin the top somehow.Hopefully it won't be too long, I ordered the unfinished treads this week for the bottom half of the stairs, so they should be here sometime next week.



While I'm waiting, I started the process on the upper half. I removed the last of the old crusty carpet, padding and tack strips.



I still have to trim the noses off of them, but I'm convinced I'll have to replace a few steps. This is the worst, but a few of them have splitting across them that look like they'll break when I pry them out.



In other news, Matt has surgery scheduled on Monday to clean up his meniscus and possible replace his ACL. We won't know the extent until after his surgery, but luckily I don't have class this Monday and can take care of him. Wish him (and me) good luck!


Nikki Kelly

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  1. Best of luck with the surgery!

  2. I am quite excited to see how it will look after you are all done with it. But I just hope you will post pictures of how it will look. And by the way, good luck to the surgery. I hope it will be a success.


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