
Update From the Tiniest of Yards

11:04 AM

Oh tiny backyard, why have you taken us so long to finish? Recently after hanging out at Matt's brother Nate's place Matt was feeling a little envious of all the progress they've made in their back yard. It's probably four times bigger, and this is only their second summer there. So in an effort to up his game, I came home to some new landscaping last weekend.

These retaining wall bricks to be exact! It still needs a little work, but it looks infinitely better than all that rock mulch that we put here after digging up our entire yard! We also picked up some feather grass to pretty up the exposed foundation of the garage. speaking of stepping up one's game, I need to put the last two pieces on my DIY lattice.

While we were picking up the grass we also found a nice Sumac to put opposite the cherry tree we planted this spring. One evening while on a walk we saw some trees like this in another townhouse's back yard and fell in love. What I liked most was how the bottom of the trees were open and the canopy was light and airy. I texted a picture to Nate (he is the tree expert in the family, literally) and this is what he suggested. I can't wait for it to get taller though. Grow faster tree!

Oh, remember that hanging plant display I fell in love with at CB2? I didn't get any of those lovely glass pieces yet, but I did add some colorful hanging pots to my exsisting collection of Ikea pots. I picked them up from the clearance section at Anthropologie for $9 each. The only thing I did to them was drill a hole in the bottom for drainage, they already had a flattened back side with a hole to hang them from. I figure I can just keep adding cute little hanging pots over the years to get an eclectic little assortment. I'd love to just cluster a bunch together.

Speaking of hanging plants, look at this beautiful air plant I recently acquired. Matt's youngest brother Chandler bought the glass tear drop thing for me as a birthday present while we were in Durango at Urban Homestead. They had a cluster of different sized glass vessels and air plants, but I loved this one the most.

I had a much smaller air plant before, but Barbara murdured it. She must have thought it was a cat toy and I found it shoved under the couch dead. Matt keeps teasing me that I'm going to kill this one too, but then I remind him that 1. it wasn't my fault and 2. this one is too big for Barbara to shove under the couch.

Even with summer winding down, we're still planting stuff. Oh, and speaking of planting stuff, I'm hoping to get some bulbs to plant in our yard from the tulip capitol of the world while we're there on vacation soon. I will be sure to share that with you.



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