
home tour

Matt and I purchased our home in July 2009. It was a foreclosed property that was in less than desirable condition. From beyond dirty carpets that needed to go to an interesting built-in headboard in the bedroom that did not suite our tastes. We had about a month after closing until we had to live in our newly purchased home, which we spent painting and tearing out flooring. I know a month sounds like a lot of time, honestly we thought we would have accomplished a lot more in that time than we did. However, we both have full time jobs that require most of our waking time. When we moved in it was pretty scary. EVERYTHING we owned was piled into our living room, including what would someday be our floors for most of the home. But we slowly chipped away at the chaos and that time in our lives just seems like a funny memory. Anyway, here is a look so far.

Living Room

Looking through the living room into the dining room. You can also see the double sided fireplace really well. (These are the 2 pictures from the listing online so please excuse the quality.)



Looking into the living room from next to the fireplace.

Same view as above but more after

View from the front door. Eventually we will move the TV components into the closet, and a mantel above the fireplace.

Dining Room

Closing day, we got some paint samples to try out on the wall. Yes that was the color of the dining room and it had to go.


Mostly after, I have put in base board molding and we will probably get new furniture, window treatments and hopefully try a swing at crown molding in here.
(oh, the ghosty effects in this picture are because I stitched a bunch of pictures together to get one of the whole room)


Pea Pod Green paint to go with the Pea Pod cabinet pulls that were once in our lovely kitchen. (You can see our celebratory bottle of champagne we brought on the very right)


We decided to strip and re-paint the cabinets.
Appliances arrived, 2 weeks after we moved in. We ate fast food a lot and discovered that the microwave that had been so generously left behind didn't work. I may have cried that night.

Master Bedroom

The only picture of the master bedroom on the listing.
That sad piece of trim was the very first thing to go. Matt took it off with his bare hands (because we only brought paint samples and champagne)
The massive built in head board thingy. This thing was solid but wouldn't last for long.
Good bye built in, hello needing to re-drywall.
New drywall, paint, and floors.
2nd Bedroom
This is Matt's son's room. It is probably the most finished rooms of our house. We could use some bedroom furniture in here though.
3rd Bedroom
This room is on the ground level by the front door. When we moved in we set up our sofa and tv so we had a little place to escape from the chaos that was in our living room.
After the floors are installed. This room will eventually be a guest room.

The loft and catwalk look down onto the living room. The wall on the right is shared with the 2nd Bedroom.

The view from the Master Bedroom looking towards the 2nd Bedroom and Loft.
Front Door
Our Back "Yard"
This space is about 260sf and was covered in gross red mulch. In 2011 we had a gas leak that led to us clearing the entire yard. Oh, and under all that mulch was a ton of rocks.

We added this modern trellis to the back side of our garage.

...and some ground cover that still has some filling in to do.

Our herb and catnip garden.

In the spring of 2012 we started some grass seed. Once it has filled in a bit we will add some pavers.



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