
Cruise Watch!

3:15 PM

So I still haven't put together my decanter lights, but I have a good excuse. Matt and I went out of town this weekend with his family for a couple of days. If you follow my Instagram feed then you already know this, but if not we went to Ouray (it kinda sounds like your and hooray put together) . It's an adorable little mountain town near Telluride.

It's a Christmas tradition that Matt's mom, Darlice, set up a few years ago. Basically she sets up a family trip for us all to go on just so we can spend time together as a family. She says she's buying memories. Well this year we were in a cute little rental home.

Just outside of the dining room we had the most amazing view of the canyon walls, which are apparently quite popular with the climbing folk. We even noticed a Colorado flag hung on one of the overhanging areas.

Actually, I think you'd have an amazing view no matter where you stay. It really was that beautiful. Anyway, after discussing what we wanted to see and do whilst in Ouray, we decided on trips to The Black Canyon, Telluride and the hot springs pool if we could squeeze it in. Spoiler alert; we didn't make it to the pool. It rained every evening while we were there. The next day we trekked out to The Black Canyon. It was pretty impressive with its sheer cliffs and all. I kept making Matt nervous with my close proximity to the edge.

We stayed out there until the rain started rolling in. Once we were back in town a few of us took the opportunity to do a little gift shopping before dinner. Megan (Matt's youngest brother Chandler's fiancé) and I got a little caught up at the Gator Emporium in their bead section. I guess it was good that the boys eventually got impatient and went to the bar next door because that left us plenty of time to look at every single option they had. Here's what I ended up with along with a geode (officially obsessed) pennant I picked up at the rock shop across the street.

Saturday we all made the trip out to Telluride, where the official Cruise Watch began. Ok, maybe I was the only one looking for Tom Cruise, but I thought it made things more exciting!

We got there around lunch time so we ducked in for a quick bite to eat, but then we were off to adventure.... and to look for Tom Cruise. Thinking a higher vantage point would help we rode the gondola up and over the mountain.

We hopped off for a quick minute to get this group shot, but failed to spot Tom anywhere.

left to right: me, Matt, Megan Chandler, Emily, Nate, Darlice, and Marcus

There was a good sized ski village at the end of the ride, which unfortunately we did not get to discover much of. Shortly after this picture was taken it started raining pretty hard, so we took refuge at the nearest bar while we waited for the rain to let up. Tips up!

After coming back down the mountain we set out on some more souvenir shopping. Megan, Chandler, Marcus, and I even stopped into an antique store just for funsies. I got this old post card from 1958 of Denver.

But the real thriller were these tokens that I shared on Instagram! Go ahead read them.

I had no clue things like this even existed! I guess they failed to mention whore tokens in any of the western shows and movies I've watched through out the years. I was really tempted to get one, but I thought $20 was a little much. But now that I know they exist I'll add them to my list of antique things to buy. Maybe Madame Ruth Jacobs' family has one they wouldn't mind giving me.

Have you taken any little weekend trips lately? What are they cute little mountain town equivalents in your states? Have you ever seen a whore token, and did you buy it? Oh, and in my next post I'll show you what I did with my beads! Another spoiler alert, I made a necklace. But it's cute and you should come back anyway!

P.S. Thanks honey bear for letting me steal your pictures to post on my blog. You're the best!

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  1. I was inspired by your instagram pics and we are spending the night in Ouray in September. We are really heading to Monument to visit my Mom and Dad but are hitting Mesa Verde and then spending the night and next morning in Ouray on the way there!
    There aren't any mountain getaways in OK but last summer we stayed in and toured a Frank Lloyd Wright skyscraper, with is in a tiny town in eastern OK (Ben Afleck and Jennifer Garner have stayed there. . . ).


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