Dry Bar Mood Board

1:59 PM

Be gentle with me. I've never made a mood board before, so if it's dumb just tell me how wonderful I am anyways. Ok, now that we have that out of the way let me tell ya what I'm blabbering on about. This stupid closet, that's what.

It's like a normal closet in the middle of the house. I guess it's supposed to be a coat closet, but being equal distances from the front or back door it just seems dumb. So our plan for this little slice of square footage has been to convert it into a dry bar from the get go. Why you ask? Well two reasons really.
Reasons for converting a dumb closet into a dry bar
  1. We like booze
  2. We don't like walking very far to get it. (read: lazy)
Here's our list of things we want to do in order to achieve this, and because I love lists with things crossed off I'm including things we've already done. Just to make myself feel better, mmmkay?

Dry Bar To-Do List
Remove doors and hardware
Paint door jamb
Paint walls
Lay backer board
Install tile (already purchased, we just need grout)
Install lower cabinets
Install countertop
Backsplash (same tile as floor to keep things consistent)
Upper cabinets or shelves (I think we'll go with shelves but just incase we change our minds)
Run some electrical thru the wall from the kitchen
Stock with booze and wine

We're almost half way done already right? The nice thing about this little project is that we can really do one thing at a time without it looking like we live in a construction zone. Now, onto the mood board portion of this post.

1. Dark stained butcher block countertops from Ikea stained to match our wood flooring (great tutorial from Stillwater Story) 2. I LOVE these decanter pendant lights by Lee Broom. I'll be hunting for some decanters to DIY this soon. 3. Ultra glossy lower cabinets from Ikea. 4. I have a few of these Edge wine glasses from Crate and Barrel, but I need more. With matching champagne flutes, of course! 5. This tile from Floor & Decor will be on the floor and black splash. 6. Our wood floors from Lumber Liquidators, it's been discontinued twice now but just incase the link doesn't work in the future its called Tuscany Oak Handscraped from Virgina Millworks.
It seems to look a little stark right now, but whiskey is a nice warm amber color. That will warm it up nicely. If we do open shelves we could have some smallish art in there too. I guess the good part about installing it piece by piece is if it starts to look like too much stuff shoved in a small place we can just stop.
So hopefully I will be spending the whole weekend tilling 9 square feet of space. It will be grueling, but hopefully I'll live. What will you be doing this weekend?

P to the S, are you planning on entering my Instagram Photo Contest? You've got less than 3 weeks to enter, so get on that ish!

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